Friday, January 14, 2011


This year we had a fantastic Christmas. My Mom, Dad, and Brother were all able to fly out to see us since both Adam and I weren't allowed to travel. Thanks so much! It was so nice to be able to spend a special holiday with family. William got a little more into Christmas this year and that was a lot of fun. He loves opening presents and I liked that I could hand over the torch of being Santa and passing out presents to him. He loved playing with his own fisher price manger scene, learning about the true meaning of Christmas, as well as opening his advent calendar each day to add to our other manger scene. Overall Christmas was great and I can't even imagine what next year is going to be like.

Christmas Morning

Opening our stocking with Daddy
Will loves his new blower and edger. Thanks Uncle Josh!

Handing out presents

Adam got SI along with all the Giants World Series Championship stuff

Will trying to put on his glasses himself

Will loves his new Giant's blanket. GO GIANTS!!!

BBQ anyone?

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