I can't believe that I'm already 20 weeks pregnant with triplets. Sometimes the time flies by and other times it's moving as slow as a snail. This week the babies are the size of cantaloupes. When I saw this it sounded so good so I went to the store to get cantaloupes along with pineapples and strawberries to make a fruit salad. It was delicious. I feel like this week I've been wanting more and more fruit than normal, I guess it's better than the milky ways I wanted last week.
My doctors appointment also went great. He said that he feels great that I show no signs of pre-term labor. This made me feel great because I really just need to get through next weeks festivities (Adam's 30th birthday and Super Bowl) before I can really relax. But I am also excited because next week I get to see the babies again for another ultrasound. More pics to come then.