Friday, January 28, 2011

3 Cantaloupes


I can't believe that I'm already 20 weeks pregnant with triplets. Sometimes the time flies by and other times it's moving as slow as a snail. This week the babies are the size of cantaloupes. When I saw this it sounded so good so I went to the store to get cantaloupes along with pineapples and strawberries to make a fruit salad. It was delicious. I feel like this week I've been wanting more and more fruit than normal, I guess it's better than the milky ways I wanted last week.

My doctors appointment also went great. He said that he feels great that I show no signs of pre-term labor. This made me feel great because I really just need to get through next weeks festivities (Adam's 30th birthday and Super Bowl) before I can really relax. But I am also excited because next week I get to see the babies again for another ultrasound. More pics to come then.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

College Friends

It's so nice for a few of my college friends to get together. We try to do this every year and it's really fun and I love seeing all our kids play together. I almost can't wait till next year since we will be adding 5 more kids to the mix.
Bath time Friday night.
Saturday after the fog cleared we all went to the park.
Later that night we baked and decorated sugar cookies.
Will's a great little chef.
All the kids had so much fun. Jersey and Ruby loved to eat the icing and cookies and Will liked to mostly decorate.
After a long weekend the kids woke up Sunday ate breakfast and then watched cartoons while the mommies cleaned.

19 weeks

This week was great. My weekly doctor appt. went well and I got some more questions answered. I also started getting my weekly progesterone shots to help lengthen pre-term labor. They are not that bad but it is somewhat uncomfortable. I just hope this helps to keep our babies cooking as long as possible. All 3 had great heart beats ranging from 147-155. It always makes me feel better when I get to see those little beating hearts.


The babies are also the size of mangos. I can tell they are growing every single day not just by the size of my belly but they are really starting to move around a lot. Around 10:30p.m. they all think it's time to play and move around like a little circus which doesn't exactly help when I'm trying to go to sleep. Luckily I was also able to get my first pre-natal massage and body pillow this week which has helped me sleep so much better. I can't wait to see which fruit or vegetable they will be next week.T

Friday, January 14, 2011

6th Anniversary

Adam and I had a great 6th wedding anniversary. It has gone by so fast and we couldn’t believe all the memories we’ve made over the years. Friday night we dropped Will off at Grandma and Papa’s in Clovis and headed out to dinner and a movie. Saturday we got up bright and early and headed to San Francisco to visit Alcatraz. How romantic right? We had a blast! We always talk about actually sight seeing in San Francisco instead of just going to games so it was nice to get out before the babies are here. We had lunch at Bubba Gump’s, walked around Fisherman’s Warf, and then toured Alcatraz. Speaking of romantic, you would not believe how many couples tour Alcatraz. They were everywhere! We had a great time!

17 1/2 week ultrasound

Here are the babies profile pics.

It's a...



Pregnancy Pics

14 weeks

17 weeks

More pics to come, because I am much bigger already.

Big Boy Bed

We finally decided to move Will to a big boy bed to start off the New Year. So far he’s doing pretty good. We found out that he stays up much later than we thought. Adam and I could always hear him playing in his crib after bedtime, but we had no idea it was until about 10:30 or later. He also loves to come out of his room multiple times carrying every stuffed animal he sleeps with, usually 3 or 4. It’s about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. So we decided we had to get a bed rail. He now sleeps through the night, with an occasional visit, but still comes in bright and early to wake up mommy.


This year we had a fantastic Christmas. My Mom, Dad, and Brother were all able to fly out to see us since both Adam and I weren't allowed to travel. Thanks so much! It was so nice to be able to spend a special holiday with family. William got a little more into Christmas this year and that was a lot of fun. He loves opening presents and I liked that I could hand over the torch of being Santa and passing out presents to him. He loved playing with his own fisher price manger scene, learning about the true meaning of Christmas, as well as opening his advent calendar each day to add to our other manger scene. Overall Christmas was great and I can't even imagine what next year is going to be like.

Christmas Morning

Opening our stocking with Daddy
Will loves his new blower and edger. Thanks Uncle Josh!

Handing out presents

Adam got SI along with all the Giants World Series Championship stuff

Will trying to put on his glasses himself

Will loves his new Giant's blanket. GO GIANTS!!!

BBQ anyone?